Sunday, October 7, 2007

High School Reunions

This blog is my attempt to get back into writing. I’ve been on a temporary retirement from blogging, because I didn’t have any muse or any good topics to really write about...until this morning. Before I start let me tell you a little about myself. I’m a twenty eight year old man, born and raised on Minot AFB, North Dakota. I’m disabled, which doesn’t really mean anything because I still do everything a normal person does, except for the walk and talk part.

In 1995, my father retired from the Air Force, and moved us to Minnesota. At first I was excited and happy because Minnesota was where we took our summer vacations. Then, there were the events that happened that changed my viewpoint; call it four years of HELL…my high school years, but that is for another blog.

This morning I was in my bed trying to wake up. As I lay there I watched the Twin Cities’ morning news. They did a twenty second blurb about some high school reunion going on in Minnesota. It made me start to think.

What is so special about high school reunions? Sure, you get to see old friends, past crushes, and old cliques. However, you also get to see enemies, exes, past crushes, and the lesser cliques. There are always a couple of fights, too.

I’ll admit, I am debating going to my first class reunion, which is in about a year and a half. I just think that class reunions would be better if they were done online.

Think about it. No more traveling, dealing with people, fights. All people would have to do in order to do this would be to find a site like Myspace, and start a group for their graduation year. Then after six to eight months or so, you could basically have a giant reunion that is continuously ongoing.

Another thing that would be great about online class reunions is that you would have the option of ignoring the people you can’t stand.


Pen said...

True, true. I am a member of that high school group over at MySpazz that Skip created as you know and I am as alien to them over the wires as I ever was in person!

Computer Whiz said... group is growing finally