Thursday, November 8, 2007


After the crew of the USS Enterprise-E parted ways; Jean-Luc Picard became an admiral, and married Beverly Crusher. He also gave Data’s brother a better name. He named him Robert; after his brother, who died in a fire on Earth along with his son.

Robert decided to try to create a daughter for himself, in honor of his brother. He studied Data’s notes. After a month of hard work he finally succeeded. He actually made a female android that had the capability to feel and show emotions. Robert decided to name his daughter Delta. After graduating the Starfleet Academy, Delta was assigned to a brand new ship twenty seven years later.

After Mark Paul Nordneg’s death; his son had a baby boy. Of course sticking with the family tradition, he named his son John Paul Nordneg Jr.

When John Paul Nordneg Sr’s son was old enough to walk and talk; he taught his son all about the universe, the academy, and how to fight.

When John Paul Nordneg Jr was seventeen he joined the Starfleet Academy. He did so unbelievably good that he graduated in two years instead of the usual four. After a few years; he was at a restaurant, and he saw a gorgeous woman sitting alone. He went up to her and introduced himself. She introduced herself as Ashley Awrolp. They dated for four years, and then got engaged.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Missing Seven Years: The Arrival

"Oh my god, why did I sign up for this auction!" Ash shouted inside her mind as she walked into the Xel Energy Center.

As she entered she saw the haul of the ship, then she heard the auctioneer.

"Our first item today is the haul of the ship JOASH. Notice the burn marks on it. Some say--"

As the auctioneer continued Ash sat down, and thought back to the arrival to Kronos...

As the JOASH reached Kronos the crew just stared in awe. Even from six miles away they could see the bombs going off on the surface. After ten minutes the crew went back to their duties. Ash stood by John and talked to him through telepathy.

"Are you okay hon?"

"Yeah. I'm just trying to figure out how to approach this situation."

Rubbing his back, "Oh I see. Why don't you call a meeting? I bet our senior officers have ideas and suggestions. Oh don't forget about that information chip we created thanks to your father. I put it in Commander Delta."

"Oh you did? Awesome!"

Out loud John says , "All senior officers report to my Ready Room."

Five minutes later John held the meeting.

"Okay guys, we need an attack plan. Any suggestions?"

Commander Delta stands, "If I may sir?"

John nods.

"From processing the information that your father left; I have found at least six attack plans, and we can accomplish them all."

"Ok ok very good. Which plan do you think we should do first?"

"Well sir, judging by the information I think your father already put them in order to which we should do them."

"Oh ok, then let's do the first one."

"The cloak and nuke. Ok. Let me put it up on the screen."

Everyone studied the plan, and went to work on preparing the JOASH.

Then, they started their first attack...

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Missing Seven Years: Shipping Out

After John Paul Nordneg Jr ate his breakfast with his mom, Lydia, he kissed her and raced home to pack. When he arrived at his driveway he noticed that his fiancee's black Lipter Class-D90 truck, his father's first invention for the public. John very quietly pulled in the driveway, hopped out of his own truck, and sneaked in their twelve story mansion.
He could hear her singing, "She Don't Use Jelly" by The Flaming Lips, so he followed her voice to their bedroom. Once he found her John just stood in the doorway, and watched her pack her suitcase.

"Going somewhere sexy?" John asked, knowing that Ashley wouldn't jump.

"OH MY GOD JOHN, WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Ash yelled.

Trying not to laugh John said, "Oh baby, I'm sorry. I thought you knew that I was here b/c you're a Betazoid."

"Oh I see, I'm sorry too. My senses are acting up. Probably because I'm nervous about being your first officer on this seven year mission."

"Aaaaaawwwwww hon why are you nervous?"

"I'm your fiancee, won't your crew be standoffish towards me?"

"Oh geez no, they adore you."

"Really?" Ash asked.

"Yes baby. Now that's settled I'll help you finish up here." John said.

"Ok. Go through our closet and see if there's anything that I might have missed."


John went to the closet and pushed the Scan and Retrieve button. After five minutes a roll of film came popping up. John looked it over and found a hollow graphic disc message attached to it. So John set the disc on the floor. His father popped out of it.


Ash looked and walked over to her fiancee.

"Oh good you're both there, just listen to me. I assume you guys found the roll of film that I hid in your closet. On the film there is alot of information on it; everything from the best course to Kronos, to the layout of the Klingon's ships and Kronos itself. I anticipated that the Klingons would seek revenge for my nuking the Bushe family. So use the information wisely. I love you all. Over and out." After the message played, John's father disappeared.

Ash kissed her love and grabbed the film, "I'll go transfer this to an information chip and teleport it to the ship."

"I see your senses unscrambled." John chuckled.

Ash just winked at him and walked off.

John finished packing and teleported with Ash to the USS JOASH.

After getting settled on the ship, John went on the bridge and started their mission.

"Lieutenant Seraw, Send a sub space message to Werf saying we're on our way to nuke his fucking fleet!"

"Yes Captain."

"Commander Delta, warp ten please."

"Si Captain"

Two minutes later Werf received the message, and growled. "Ppeerrffeecctt!"

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Lost Son

As the forty five year old mother hugged her son just before he went to Kronos the Klingon home world, Lydia whispered.

"I'm not one for sentimental endings. Not this time."

John Paul Nordneg Jr. just sighed, "Mom, I'll be just fine. Dad, god rest his soul, taught me every trick he created."

"Yeah well those tricks didn't keep him alive now did they!" she snapped and walked into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

John went in the kitchen to help his mom. "No, they didn't but that was ten years ago. This is 2034. A new era. Thanks to father the entire Bushe family got nuked; every body thought they were human, but then they all turned into Klingons. Unfortunately that caused WWV but Dad won that war."

Lydia chuckled. "Yeah. He did. Remember the plane his fleet made him?"

"Oh the CP 500?"

"Yeah. That one. He loved it because it fit around his wheelchair."

"See why I'm going mom? In honor of my father, Captain John Paul Nordneg Sr."

Setting their plates of food on the table, Lydia said. "I do. I just don't want to lose you too. Loosing your father was devastating."

"I know Mom, but like I said, that was ten years ago."

"God, you're definitely your father's son, you're stubborn. Fine. Go fight WWIII on Kronos, just be careful."

"I'll try Mom, I'll try."

Seven years later John got shot down, and died on impact when his plane crashed into a mountain on Kronos...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

High School Reunions

This blog is my attempt to get back into writing. I’ve been on a temporary retirement from blogging, because I didn’t have any muse or any good topics to really write about...until this morning. Before I start let me tell you a little about myself. I’m a twenty eight year old man, born and raised on Minot AFB, North Dakota. I’m disabled, which doesn’t really mean anything because I still do everything a normal person does, except for the walk and talk part.

In 1995, my father retired from the Air Force, and moved us to Minnesota. At first I was excited and happy because Minnesota was where we took our summer vacations. Then, there were the events that happened that changed my viewpoint; call it four years of HELL…my high school years, but that is for another blog.

This morning I was in my bed trying to wake up. As I lay there I watched the Twin Cities’ morning news. They did a twenty second blurb about some high school reunion going on in Minnesota. It made me start to think.

What is so special about high school reunions? Sure, you get to see old friends, past crushes, and old cliques. However, you also get to see enemies, exes, past crushes, and the lesser cliques. There are always a couple of fights, too.

I’ll admit, I am debating going to my first class reunion, which is in about a year and a half. I just think that class reunions would be better if they were done online.

Think about it. No more traveling, dealing with people, fights. All people would have to do in order to do this would be to find a site like Myspace, and start a group for their graduation year. Then after six to eight months or so, you could basically have a giant reunion that is continuously ongoing.

Another thing that would be great about online class reunions is that you would have the option of ignoring the people you can’t stand.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

V Day

Well today's Valentine's Day and I'm single, so I'm like, "Big whoop". For years I've tried to get a girlfriend so I could enjoy this day, but now I feel it's pointless.

Every time I get a girlfriend it never lasts for more than six months. Either I'm the dumpee or I'm the dumper. It sucks ass.

There's one person that keeps me somewhat sane. I can't remember when we met, but I know it was before I met my current ex-girlfriend. She's very nice and sweet. I'm not going to lie; I'm head over heels for her, but I highly doubt anything will develop between us, because when it comes to love…I'm cursed!

My Crush

My Crush

When we first met
I was very down
But after we talked
I was much happier.
The more we talked,
And the more I looked
At your picture,
I fell head over heels
For you.
So I'm hoping
When the time
Is right
You'll be mine Jeneefa
Because you stole
My heart



Love is like

A precious life

First two people

Meet each other

They talk a lot

Get to know

Each other

By dating

Each other

And then if

They are perfect

For each other

They fall

In love

And get married

I'm in the beginning

Stages of love

But I hope to

Get to the last

Stage of love

Because I have

Never been there.

My Darling

My Darling

You say that your eyes,

Are your best feature.

They are gorgeous,

In their own right.

But I personally feel,

That you as a person,

Are a sexy creature.

From your piercing eyes,

To your joyful soul.

I'd lost all hope,

Thinking no one

Could ever love me.

Then that one faithful day,

You came into my life

And gave me hope,

And for that I'm grateful.

My darling girlfriend,

I truly love you

From your piercing eyes,

To your joyful soul.